Christian Aid: ACRE (Access to Capital for Rural Enterprise)
ACRE is a not-for-profit international development scheme led by Christian Aid and a group of NGO’s to support rural enterprises in developing countries. For the launch of the scheme, we were asked to create a video to promote the ACRE programme, showing how the support and investment they provide can help to benefit small businesses and their communities.
We worked alongside Christian Aid to develop a script to outline the main ideas, before moving on to develop the look and style of the video. We started by looking at other great videos for inspiration by Moth Collective and Oddfellows, as well as art by Clement Dartigues. The initial graphics we created were a good starting point and helped to create a rough storyboard, but they appeared too impersonal and corporate. We knew the client wanted a personal, human feel to the video so we refined the graphics further to give everything a hand-crafted and textured look. This was enhanced by applying hand-painted overlays as well as giving the video a stop-motion feel to it by lowering the frame rate overall to 12fps.
The final video is featured on the Christian Aid website and will help to promote the ACRE development programme.
Inspiration and Development

Textures and rural imagery used as inspiration

Character design ideas and video inspiration

A selection of the final graphics that appear in the video